Thursday, May 1, 2008

Character Moment #29 – April 30, 2008

A friend of mine told me a story recently about their visit to a restaurant a while back. Sitting close by at a table was a group of high school students. It was a mixed group (guys and girls), and they were just hanging out. They spoke loudly at times, and he could over hear that the language they were using was laced with profanities. It was not a very attractive sight. At one point another customer came up to them and reminded them that they were in a public place and that their language was offensive. The students reacted by rolling their eyes, not saying anything directly, and really trying to ignore the admonishment. My friend said it looked like some in the party were embarrassed and others were too cool to look that way. Pretty typical for some kids when they get caught messing up.

I believe we have those moments in our life when we get a chance to put our character training to the test. It is in those times that our true character comes out. Out in public, on our own, where nobody knows us, we let our true character shine through.

I think it is easier to follow the rules per say in an environment where you know someone could be watching, like here at school. The ability to resist acting in an inappropriate way is sometimes easier in that environment. Our true tests though are when we are out in public, where we act a certain way because that’s who we are, not necessarily because we are supposed to act a specific way.

Think back to those times when you go out with friends in public. How do you act when there are no parents or coaches, or teachers around? Is it consistent with the model that you want to portray as a child of God?

Many of you will have a great opportunity to show your true character this weekend as you attend the prom. You will interact with many people who will only know you through what they see you do and hear you say. Let your witness be a light to those around you.

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