I sat in chapel yesterday and listened intently to what Mr. Grasz shared about the several incidents of stealing that have occurred here at Orange Lutheran over the year. I wish I could say to folks that stuff like that doesn’t happen here, but in reality it unfortunately does.
It made me think about what I learned as a young boy at the Lutheran school I attended in Topeka, KS. When we learned the commandments, we also learned their meanings from the small catechism. Stealing is addressed in the seventh commandment.
The Seventh Commandment.
Thou shalt not steal.
What does this mean?
We should fear and love God that we may not take our neighbor's money or property, nor get them by false ware or dealing, but help him to improve and protect his property and business [that his means are preserved and his condition is improved].
The meaning to this commandment addresses the fact that we should not take another person’s property, or trick them out of their property. The thing I think that is so significant though is what it says next…really two commands.
We should help our neighbor to improve and protect his property and business. What it is really saying is that not only should we not take it by any means, but we should also help in any way to make it better. It is not only about the negative act of taking, but it addresses the positive…make your neighbor’s property or business better. We don’t always think of that.
I can remember on our honeymoon, my wife and I went to a nice restaurant up in the Monterey area. After we left the restaurant, my wife noticed that they had not charged us for the additional side order we had asked for later in the meal. It may sound silly, but I turned around and went back to the restaurant and took the additional money to our waitress. She was so thankful, because it was their policy to have the servers pay for any mistakes they made on their customer’s bill. In a way, we made her business a little better.
I don’t share that to be pious or holier than though. I share it because I will never forget her reaction. Let us be a school that makes each other better, not taking from one another.
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