As Christians, we celebrate this season because Jesus was born a man, lived among us, took our punishment for us, died on the cross, and rose again from the dead. This a true story, not a fable.
There is a world around us that needs to hear that story of hope. The hope we have for victory over sin, death, and the devil. The hope we have for eternal life one day with Him.
The apostle John wrote these words in 1 John 4:4-5 (The Message)...
"My dear children, you come from God and belong to God. You have already won a big victory over those false teachers, for the Spirit in you is far stronger than anything in the world. These people belong to the Christ-denying world. They talk the world's language and the world eats it up. But we come from God and belong to God. Anyone who knows God understands us and listens. The person who has nothing to do with God will, of course, not listen to us. This is another test for telling the Spirit of Truth from the spirit of deception."
As children of God, let us never compromise our love for Him and what He has done for us.
Without apology,
Merry Christmas