Monday, December 14, 2009

Great Concert

I thoroughly enjoyed our instrumental Christmas concert last evening. A special thank you to our student musicians and their leaders, Mr. Hannibal and Mr. Potthoff.

The YouTube link is on the Orchestra homepage. Click on the links under Concert Video.

Well done!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Step by Step

Every day - step by step - a relationship that grows closer with You - My Lord and My God!

This is my prayer.

Step by Step

Come Lord Jesus Come!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Keeping the End in Sight

One of the people I like to listen to is Pastor Louie Giglio from Passion-268 Generation. His podcasts contain inspiring messages. Today, I listened to him share a quote from Thomas Merton that really got my attention.

"Your life is shaped by the end you live for. You are made in the image of what you desire."

Habit #2 from Stephen Covey's book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People " is "Begin with the End in Mind."

The Bible tells us how the story ends. Jesus Christ will come again to gather all believers to Himself.

Lord, let my life reflect Your victory!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Reflections of Majesty

A wonderful event was held last evening in the Ellwein Center and Nechita Center. The 7th Annual Power of the Dream Gala was held under the theme Reflections of Majesty. God continues to bless this ministry with the resources He has blessed our friends with in their lives. The special performance featured Youth Pastor and Christian artist, Lincoln Brewster. He was backed by Lutheran High School students who once again left the entire audience wondering, " are the performers really high school kids doing those things?" The whole event was magnificent. Kevin Nadeau once again produced a masterpiece.

Lincoln shared his faith and led us in a beautiful set of praise songs. One song he performed was called Another Hallelujah. It was a powerful moment in the Nechita Center!

As I searched for it on You Tube, I came across the attached version that honored the five missionaries depicted in the movie, "End of the Spear". At the end of the You Tube video is a quote that speaks powerfully about the true purpose of our lives.

"God, I pray Thee, light these idle sticks of my life and may I burn for Thee. Consume my life, my God, for it is Thine. I seek not a long life, but a full one, like You, Lord Jesus."

What an honor and a privilege to be a part of God's work of salvation for His people.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Samoan Relief

We have been blessed over the years to have wonderfuls students and families from the local Samoan community. With the recent earthquake and Tsunami that affected Samoa, we learned that the local community is gathering materials to assist the survivors and victims. Please note the information below from one of our parents...

We have started a Samoa Tsunami Disaster Relief Drive at our local church in Westminster, 13612 Hoover Street, Westminster, Ca. 92683. If anyone is interested in donating the following items; clothes, bedding, Water, Canned food, and Sanitation supplies, we are collecting them today through Monday evening (October 5, 2009) at 6pm. At this time we are not accepting any monetary donations. Our focus is to collect as much of these items to fill a freight container that was donated to our Relief Efforts. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you and God Bless,


Drop off location for donations:
First Samoan Congregational Christian Church of Westminster
13612 Hoover Street
Westminster, California 92683
714-866-7584 Rebecca

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Saved by the Blood of a Jewish Donor

I recently heard a story from Pastor John Ortberg of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church.

"A friend of mine named Max DePree was a paramedic in World War II, and he served in Europe, and he told me a story I've never forgotten about how they would save soldiers. They would go into the field after battle, whenever they could, to try to save the soldiers that were there. Sometimes they would be wounded Allied soldiers, sometimes they would be wounded German soldiers.

Max said they always carried with them units of blood for transfusion, and that blood would save lives, and the bags of blood, as part of a kind of moral deal at that time, carried the names of the donors on the bags. Whoever had given that blood back in The States, their name was on that bag, was on that blood, and so whoever got it could know whose blood had saved their life.

Max said they started doing an interesting thing. This wasn’t military policy, just some of the paramedics started doing that. They would save bags that had Jewish names on them for the German Nazi soldiers. Isn’t that wonderful?

Max said they would actually talk to them, if the guys were conscious, and they would tell them, "You know, if I don’t help you, you're going to die. You're lying here wounded, you're going to die, but you can be saved. You don’t have to die. I want to save you, but you will have to receive blood from a Jewish donor, if you want to stay alive," and Max said some of them would say, "Yes, please, yes, I want to live." Max said it was the most amazing thing. Sometimes they would say no. Such was the pride, the arrogance, folly, whatever it is that gets in the human heart. They would say, "I'd rather die, than humble myself to receive life from the blood of a Jewish donor." Max said when that happened, they would let them pass out, and then they would save them anyway.

God is not willing that any should perish, but He gives to everyone a choice, the most important one that you can ever make…Who are you trusting to atone for your sin? Who are you trusting to set things right between you and God?

Who are you trusting to save you? You or Jesus?"

Monday, June 29, 2009

Learning from the Word

Last weekend was the 15th birthday weekend for my youngest daughter. Melanie and I like to do what our kids want to do on their birthdays. We make them their favorite foods, give them a gift or two off their lists, and generally try to make it a special day for them.

One of the things Siara decided to do was to play tennis as a family – all five of us. Now I should share that I made my high school team (Highland Park High School in the hotbed of tennis, Topeka, KS) and also played on my college team for a couple of years (at Concordia teachers College in the hotbed of tennis of tennis, Seward, NE). I remember myself as being pretty good.

On Friday in anticipation of the big match, I humbly told my family that I was the best in the family, and they should all expect to lose the next day. This was greatly debated, but since I am the patriarch of the family, it was quickly dismissed – by me.

On Saturday, I went out and bought a new racket – I hadn’t been playing very well recently, and I was sure it was the faulty inferior equipment. I also purchased a few cans of new tennis balls, because we who play at a high level can tell if we are using inferior equipment.

I hit for a couple of minutes with my wife, and then the infamous words were shared – “let’s get this over with old man” - from my son.

Old Man – who is an old man – 50 is the new 30 – old my foot – I’ll show this cocky new college grad a new definition of old.

The game started out 0-1 – Good for him I thought, I won’t skunk him. Then it quickly went 0-2, 0-3, 0-4 before I took the game that should’ve turned the whole match around. Then it was 1-5. A few minutes later, a few words that I regret saying, and a humiliating score of 1-6, 1-1, I knew the end had arrived. I picked up myself, called it quits and went to sit on the sidelines, very frustrated.

My wife asked me why I was upset – and I stated, “I hate to lose.” I realized though that hitting great shots in my mind and actually hitting the shots in a live game were two very different things at this point in my life.

Forward to the next day. Sunday morning I wake up, and it’s Father’s Day. I sat at the table and began my daily reading of God’s Word. I was in 1 Kings and the words God presented for me that day were these…
1 Kings 20:11, “The king of Israel answered, "Tell him: 'One who puts on his armor should not boast like one who takes it off.' "”

In other words, don’t be talking big before you actually can deliver on your words.

Thanks God – As I go through life keep me humble in my daily walk. I apologized on Sunday, went out and played some more tennis with the family in the afternoon – just hitting – and thanking God that all my guys were home to share in the special day.

His Word is like that – convicting – sobering – and yet empowering and freeing.

Monday, June 1, 2009

A New Normal

I shared the following message in our last chapel of the 2008-2009 today.

We started this year focused on a theme – For His Glory
 " Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" " 
1 Corinthians 10:31
A lot has happened since we first gathered in here on August 25.

We’ve had celebrations and sorrows

Good memories that will last a lifetime and things we are happy to leave far behind

The pages of our lives get filled everyday with something.

The yearbook is really good this year – thank you Ms. Young and the Yearbook staff!

When the year started, it was many blank pages, but the events of the year filled them along the way.

When you think back on our theme, how did we do?

Whatever we did, was it all for the glory of God?

There are things that come to all of our minds that remind us no, we did fall short many times.

That is why it is important to be in a place like OLu.

Here we are reminded that our God knew we would fall short – we would fail. But He loved us so much He wanted to pay the price for our sins – through His death and resurrection we don’t get what we deserve.

There are those moments during the year and in life that we wish we would never have to face. Some of you went through those times and I wish you wouldn’t have had to. It is in those times though that we rely on who God is and trust Him in those circumstances we cannot understand.

One of those times happened a few weeks ago when we experienced the death of Coach Matson. I had the chance, along with Coach Kunau when he was the Athletic Director to interview and eventually hire Coach Matson 10 years ago. He always had high school sports in a proper perspective. He was such a competitor and was always prepared, but also made time for his family and friends.

He had so many friends who were strong Christian men. I think that is important for all of us to note. In our lives, we need to be surrounded by people that point us to Jesus. At his memorial service, it was powerful to hear the words of so many people talking about the strength of his relationship with Christ.

I was thankful to know Coach Matson and valued his friendship.

His wife Heidi shared a comment in the newspaper that I thought was very interesting. She said, “"Our family must learn to live with indescribable ache of Tony's absence as we try to find a new normal, I ask you not to forget us.”

That new normal is what many of you are getting ready to face. For seniors coming to this place for the past four years, this week begins the transition to a new normal. For juniors, it is a new normal to be the leaders in the school. For some of our faculty and staff who are not returning, it is a new normal.

As believers in Christ we live in a new normal as well. When sin came into the world, Satan thought he had established a new normal. Our God though had other plans. And His plan was completed through Jesus and his resurrection. It was nothing that we deserved, but it was a gift for an eternity.

At Azusa Pacific University a few weeks ago, there was a reception before graduation. Three students were invited to meet with the board and special guests to celebrate the fact that they were going to spend their next two years in under resourced areas – the poorest of the poor – helping people improve their way of life.

After each student was recognized, and their plans were shared – the President of the university shared that an anonymous donor was also very touched with their story and he wanted to do something for each student so he gave a gift to the university in each students’ name.

He called up the first student and said that he was forgiven his debt he had accumulated at the school – a tuition bill of $105K!

Then the next student – he did the same thing - $70K and then the last student $130K. Completely forgiven – no more debt.

People that watched what happened said the students did not know what to do – they were shocked that someone would do that for them. They cried – they were ambushed by this man’s grace.

Somebody has given a gift for each of you too. That gift comes from Jesus God’s Son. That same gift is done for you and me when Christ died on the cross. Our debt – death because of our sin – was paid in full – because of His death and resurrection.

There is brokenness that comes into this world that this world cannot fix – but God can redeem each of us through a blood stained cross and an empty tomb. Only He can. And he wants us to bring our brokenness to him.

We don’t always live like this is real though do we?

It is true and we can rejoice and be thankful.

The guy at the university couldn’t do it for everybody. His resources were limited. But Christ did with His unlimited resources. Don’t you think the students would have left the office telling everyone if it would have been for everyone? Our message of Christ’s love is for everyone!

The message is so important – it is only comfort we truly have – knowing that death does not defeat us – but we have a God who saves!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Our God Won!

(Part of my message from our Maundy Thursday Chapel - April 9, 2009)

This past week when I attended the funeral of a very good friend of mine. I know there are people in this room who have experienced the loss of a loved one, and it is hard. Where is our peace and hope in that scenario? Death is made out to be so final, so permanent.

Our hope my friends is when we are reminded that Enemy has been defeated. He was defeated when Jesus Christ became alive again on Easter Sunday. If you believe the tomb was empty and that Christ rose again – if that is not a fairy tale to you, but the absolute truth – then you know that death couldn’t hold Him down. Christ rose and sin, death, and the power of the devil lost their hold on us forever!

Our hope is absolute assurance of knowing that because He rose, we will rise as well. John 6: 40 says, “For my Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day."
Our hope is the certainty of knowing that we have eternal life waiting for us after our days are done on this earth. John 5:24 "I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life."
We were all certain that my friend knew that, and we could celebrate his victory over death.

Folks, we were reminded again this week that we don’t know when our days will be up on this earth. The two friends from the Santa Margarita HS community thought they had a lot of days left I’m sure, when they went on their car ride. Two weeks ago, we play acted what a crash might feel like I our school. Our friends at Santa Margarita are experiencing that pain and loss in real time this week. I pray that if anyone has doubts in this room about the truth of the death and resurrection of Jesus, they will surrender those doubts to Him today. The truth is this from John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but has eternal life.

You and I are victorious people – our God won!
When our future looked hopeless at the crucifixion - our God won!
When the enemy was starting to celebrate - our God won!
When everything looked like it was falling apart – our God won!
No more crying there, no more dying there, only life eternal there because – our God won!

Let’s celebrate the fact our God won – and because He won – all who believe he won have an eternity with Him in heaven after life ends on this earth!

Shout unto God

The enemy has been defeated
And death couldn't hold You down
We're gonna lift our voice in victory
We're gonna make Your praises loud

Shout unto God with a voice of triumph
Shout unto God with a voice of praise
Shout unto God with a voice of triumph
We lift Your name up
We lift Your name up

Monday, March 2, 2009

God's Call to Lead

The reading of the Scriptures just took me into Deuteronomy. As the book begins, Moses is just about ready to pass the torch of leadership off to Joshua. The children of Israel – this massive group of people numbering in the 100’s of 1000’s is once again standing at the entry of the Promised Land 38 years after they originally supposed to enter. They had become pretty good at camping and following the signs. When the cloud moved – they moved. When the cloud stopped – they stopped. They also had learned to do it very orderly by God’s instructions.

The out of pocket for the adventure was minimal because the Investor was providing for everything they needed. Food and water, housing and clothing were all taken care of. In fact their wealth portfolio had been growing substantially. Their livestock and families were numerous. They had spacious amounts of land awaiting them. When a group opposed them, they were defeated and the children of Israel captured the spoils. They had it pretty good – in fact great from their Investor’s perspective.

In Deuteronomy, Moses gave his last speech to the people. He deserves the time to be heard; in fact he has earned it. For 40+ years of his life he has had a task – a task he initially tried to avoid, but being “the most humble man on the earth”, a task he embraced because of his love for his Leader. Countless times Moses stood in the gap for the people in front of God’s wrath and pleaded for their lives.

He trusted God in every situation he faced and gave up on any life he had a part from God to accept the challenge he had been presented. His family stepped up – his sister Miriam, his brother Aaron, his wife and kids, and even his father-in-law; they all helped him in his growth of becoming a leader. The one time he did not trust God (“tell the rock to express the water” vs. “strike the rock to express the water”) cost him his entry into the Promised Land. Yet despite that disappointment, he remained faithful to what God called him to do for Him.

So Deuteronomy begins and Moses lays it out for the people. He prophesies what the future will look like. They will follow and they will fall away. They will repent and they will follow again. This cycle would be repeated for hundreds of years. He reminded the people of what is most important – Love God – and be enveloped by His love. Teach it to your children, live it, celebrate it through the years, remember His goodness to you.

Until the day God called him home, Moses shared that message. A message that pointed all the way to Jesus’ coming one day.

You and I are also called to deliver a message as well. It is a message of a loving Savior – a message of forgiveness – of life changing grace and mercy – a message that he is coming again.

We get to share that message in a number of ways. One is to help build a school environment where Christ permeates all we do. The things we discuss together are all focused on that one thing – helping move this people towards the Promised Land – an eternity with Jesus.

May our discussions be rich as we celebrate our past and look to the future of what God has in share for His people in this place at this time. May our focus always be to create an environment where students are helped to internalize the Gospel message of salvation in Christ Jesus.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Don't Forget His Power

My wife and I had the chance to watch our son play basketball this weekend in the Boston area. Last night we were driving back from New Hampshire to our Cambridge hotel, and we missed our turn off on the freeway. It was late, and we ended up in a part of town that was very unfamiliar. I had left our maps in the hotel room, confident of my own internal navigation system. Just at that moment when I was about to do something we men hate to do, ask for directions, my wife reminded me that I had installed Google Maps on my blackberry. I typed in the name of our hotel, then asked the map to find "my location", and within a minute I had directions back to our hotel right on my phone. We were actually a lot closer than I had thought, and within 10 minutes we were back at the hotel, safe and sound.

We all have those times in our life when we get lost and don't know our way. It is in those moments that calling on Christ for His guidance and direction help us get back on track. It might take a friend or loved one to remind us that we have that power when we forget.

Psalm 78:42 says "They did not remember his power— the day he redeemed them from the oppressor." The entire chapter speaks of the faithfulness of our Lord, in spite of what we remember at times about His power and greatness towards us.

May God bless each of you in your journey this side of heaven. He knows your location and wants everyone's destination to be heaven one day with Him forever. May you be surrounded by people who will point you to Him and His power each day.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Playing for Him

Let me share one of those proud dad moments with you.

This is from the New Haven Register following Yale's win over Hartford this past Saturday.


Have a great week!