Yesterday I had the great opportunity to attend Coach Poncy’s memorial service. It was an amazing celebration of a man who touched so many people with Christ’s love. He was a model of what excellence in Christian character is about.
As I listened to the various speakers, some friends, some family, even our own Coach Preus, I started to write down the words they used to describe him. What a tribute it was. They used words and phrases like…
He was a person that represented trust, honor, integrity, and respect. He understood the responsibility he had as a call to duty, as a call to serve others.
His family said he left a legacy over four generations. He modeled accountability, care for others, and remembered the little things that made others feel important. He shared the good news.
He was a mentor, a life coach, and a prayer warrior. He valued friendships, relationships, and loved kids. He was a leader that would be followed anywhere. He was trustworthy, an encourager, a teacher, and a coach. He made everyone feel good. He wanted everyone to be a part of the team. People said they were better because they had him in their lives.
He was a peacemaker. He always had time for others. He used every moment of every day to accomplish something. He was inclusive – not exclusive. He was compelled by Christ. He was consistent in his life and ministry. They were one and the same.
Coach Poncy affected so many people with the good news of Jesus Christ. He would want us all to do the same.
The words of Hebrews 13:7 (NIV) remind us of how we should remember Coach Poncy, “Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. “
Coach Poncy was a person to imitate. For those of you that are still hurting from his loss or from other things in your life, may you feel the presence of Christ, and be surrounded by His peace.