Members of the Class of 2007, let me open by just saying you look fabulous today!!! And the opportunity to be a part of honoring you here today before your peers is truly a great privilege…You’ve accomplished much, and God has great things in store for you as you ready yourselves to leave Orange Lutheran.
I want to share a story with you this morning. It took place over 18 years ago in a little apartment in
As we watched her on the big bed, we thought maybe we had imagined this whole thing. Feeling a little embarrassed we called the nurse over. Soon after the nurse noticed that our daughter had stopped breathing again. She was then sent to CHOC where she spent a week being checked out.
After many tests the doctor’s called it a near miss SIDS. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. We were speechless, and then terrified it would happen again. The hospital sent us home with a heart and breathing monitor. There were little electrodes on a band that velcroed across her chest. The machine would blink to show she was breathing and that her heart was still beating.
We really got used to that monitor and found it very reassuring to look over at anytime and know that she was ok. It went off once, but that was a faulty wire. It was a nice thing to have that monitor for the three months. Then came the day they took her off the monitor. Her mom and I had to trust God as the monitor from that point on.
A monitor in life is a good thing. If we approached danger, it can go off and remind us that we need to correct something. Next Saturday, ladies and gentleman, you go off the monitor so to speak. What will you have as your monitor as you leave OL?
Over the past four years for many of you, this school has been a built in monitor to let you know if something wasn’t right. Your families and true friends have been monitors that let you know when you are wandering too close to the out of bounds. As you get older, and have more independence, the desire for a monitor will need to come from within.
Two thoughts I share with you today…
I truly believe that God’s Word is our monitor. Over the years you have been asked to read it, asked to memorize it, asked to learn from it. That encouragement now needs to become your own. I would encourage you to read a little everyday. As a man who did not do this until 10 years ago, I would share that my life has completely changed because of the power of His Word. Let His Word be your guide – Your monitor. It is all the power you will ever need to take on any battle in your life.
Finally, over the past four years you have walked by the front office everyday, and you walked past a mural that was painted about 8 years ago. The words – It’s never too late to do the right thing – are words that have meant a lot to me in my lifetime. I heard them when a Pastor Chuck Swindoll shared a story about a girl who had not kept her virginity and was struggling with his Waiting until marriage campaign. She said she couldn’t participate because she hadn’t waited. He told her it is never too late to do the right thing. Wait from this moment on.
We all sin and fall short of God’s glory. We have done things that make us feel bad or ugly – things we know that do not please God. When you are faced with those times and you wish you could start over – start over. That’s what forgiveness is – a fresh start, a clean slate, a redo. As long as we are alive we can say it’s never too late because of what Christ did on the cross for each of us. He gave us the opportunity to start new. By His grace we receive His love and forgiveness.
Go through life as a forgiving person. Those that hold grudges and withhold forgiveness are the one’s that are miserable. Forgive as you have been forgiven.
You have great days ahead of you. Finish this year in a positive way – be complete – don’t take short cuts, and your memories back on your days of life at O Lu will be wonderful.
be God’s,
Mr. Pinick